23 August 2008

Beth's Wedding!!!

In June, Beth and Travis (friends from Mackinac) got married on the Island. Jenny and I were both in the wedding as bridesmaids, with Jenny as the maid of honor. I had a whirlwind trip back to Michigan, meeting Jenny at her house on Wednesday night and both of us heading to the Island on Thursday, just in time for a bit of visiting before the rehearsal. The wedding was quite lovely on Friday June 13th at Stonecliffe. We were kept very busy, but it went well and we had a ton of fun. After the wedding, we enjoyed a lovely reception (complete with Michael Jackson dance battle!) before heading downtown to the pub and Pink Pony (Myk Rise was playing!). Here are some of the photos, but also check Katie and Trace's blogs for more photos and my YouTube page for videos to come.

photos: Dave the blacksmith and Jenny at Fort Mackinac; Beth and Travis in costume, preparing to give a tour to their wedding guests; Beth and Travis get a card at their rehersal dinner; Jenny trying to open the champagne for a "bachleorette" toast (she wanted to go to bed early that night, so no big party); and Jenny, me, Beth, and Lindsay about to have a really classy toast with plastic cups and all.

photos: The back lawn at Stonecliffe where the wedding will take place; Jenny kept finding photos of us on brochures, etc. all over the island; Jenny practicing putting Beth's veil on; our tacky sweatshirts match our lunchbox desserts; and Lindsay (Beth's brother's girlfriend) shows off her sassy 'do for the wedding.

photos: Andy Anderson, the videographer and our new friend; Travis' sister and fellow bridesmaid Eliza sneaking a bit to eat before the wedding; Andy taking his turn bowling at The Woods, which we all did to kill time and let loose before the ceremony; we had to walk from the condo to the wedding, so Jenny carried Beth's train while the rest of us kept a lookout for the Travis and the boys; and me trying not to get fall down the stairs or get my shoes stuck in the grass.

photos: Beth and Travis after their vows before walking back down the aisle; the wedding party; the Mackinac crew; Beth and Travis on their way to get some photos done; and the setting for the wedding, after the ceremony.

photos: Beth getting really excited to get her ride in the carriage and show off as a bride (at least, on the way to the fort for photos); Dave and Maria at the reception; Beth and Travis, with T trying on Joe's helmet and reliving the good-old-days; all the tables had oragami, and Katie and I learned to create a awesome paper crane; and a Lead photo (all lead interpreters at one point) with Katie, Maria, Joe, and me.

photos: The standard self-portrait of Katie and me; sunset from Stonecliffe over the bridge; Dave and Myron looking on and plotting how best to avoid dancing; Joe, Bever, and Trace doing what they do best -- posing; and a crafty photo with Katie, Jenny, Beth, me, and Maria (Joe snuck in there at the bottom).

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