10 September 2006

Bye Bye to the Deuce-Deuce (and other end of August fun)

So August ended and was, like I've apparently said all summer, a lot of fun. The last day of full season, Jenny, Katie, and I went to eat and bowl at the Woods, the following day heading to Petoskey to see (and be much disappointed by) "Snakes on a Plane," have fun at the Bob-In (mmm... custard!!!!), and all sorts of good times. We also finally made poffertjes (mini Dutch pancakes Katie and I were obsessed with since Amsterdam this spring) and went to the Island Medical Center Benefit. I've been gone a lot on weekends, including a brief trip down to Lansing. And of course, on 30 August, I had my birthday and ushered out "deuce-deuce" (22) and in 23. Here are a few photos of some of it all...

(photos: Katie at the Woods; bowling at the Woods; cooking poffertjes in Katie's new poffertjes pan; and one of my multiple plates of poeffertjes... mmmmm...)

(photos: Maria and Craig at the Med Center Benefit; the Benefit at the Grand; Katie and Lee at the Gatehouse after the Benefit; and Dennis Havlena, man of action.)

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