29 July 2006

Summer Silliness

So since the last post, July's nearly passed us by. It's been full of all sorts of little fun bits, including lots of visiting former staff members and a bit of family, evening outings, vintage baseball, pretzel wenching it at the Commanding Officer's Ball, a lot of phlegm (icky! was sick for a couple of weeks), yachts, the Trivia Bowl, hiking, and giant underpants. Since the details are probably not the most interesting if you weren't actually here, this will be a mostly photo post with some brief explanations in the captions. Here's what we have...

(photos: Lee and Jim at our Moon Party with a nice, pink full moon rising in the background; the moon over the Straits; Jenny and Katie at the Tea Room for Jenny's B-Day... they both really like butter; Beth and Travis, former employees and fabulously cool people that came to visit and also got engaged at Robinson's Folly!; and Look! She's a nun! - Jenny with her giant underpants.)

(photos: Ollie in the middle of a gaggle of girls; having fun between square dances; Lee and Katie in front of a harbor full of racing yachts (Port Huron Bacardi Bayview Yacht Race yachts) while on our quest for popcicles; and Katie's blue tongue after we found our popcicles.)

(photos: Jenny, me, and Katie as Bavarian Pretzel Wenches at the Commanding Officer's Ball -- a staff function where we can dress up as just about anything and we eat lots, goof around lots, and dance lots; the overnight staff - minus Trace - at Pequodenong!!!!; Paul and Maria (looking very much like a muppet) outside Fort Michilimackinac; and most of the Island staff that attended the ball)

(photos: The crafties looking saucy; a particularly wenchy Jenny; Jenny and I with our beerstiens full of apple juice; and sunset at Michilimackinac.)

(photos: The Mackinac Neversweats and the Rochester Grangers before the big vintage baseball game; Trace and I at the game as "cranks"; Carolyn the owl swooping in on her prey before work one day; Bill "The Cat" Fritz preparing the man-child's head for a scene in our staff video; and my big acting moment finding the man-child's head.)

(photos: Katie and Carolyn at dinner at the Tea Room; Katie, Blake, and Bever getting ready for a hikey hikey; Peggy, Katie, and I all surprisingly coordinated; The Great Turtle Trivia Bowl; and Fr. Rey, Brother Jim, and the winning team of Fr. Rey's Babes (Katie, Margaret, and Val).)

Thanks to Katie for some of the photos from the COs Ball, the baseball game, and the trivia bowl!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow -- you all really have that "wench" thing down pretty well! Great costumes!!!